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Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Feature Friday with Matt Jones

Hey y'all! TGIF because only three more days until Christmas! What do you have planned for the holidays? We are hosting Christmas this year and it will be the first one back in this house for Thomas' family in 9 years. We plan on staying up late, eating Christmas fettuccine, and drinking lots of wine with the family.

We were able to relate so much to this week's Feature Friday. He loves design, dogs, and has a thing for goal setting. AND! His Instagram is filled with tons of coffee mugs and cute dog pictures, so be sure to check it out! More on Matt Jones below...


Where are you from? I grew up in Odessa, Texas.

Where do you currently live? I am a senior at Texas A&M University and live in College Station, TX. I graduate in May and plan on moving somewhere else… just don’t know where exactly.

What’s your Instagram handle? @FieldAndLane

Age? 21

 Relationship Status? Single… dad? Haha. To my 8 month old Goldendoodle Marmaduke of course.


What is something you think people should know about you? I have always been a nerd when it comes to houses. The construction process, the design, the finishes, the furnishings… anything and everything basically. I’m getting my degree in Business with minors in Creative Studies and Art & Architectural History with plans to get my real estate license in the coming year. Eventually I want to get in to home renovations and staging… and have my own TV show. I know, I know…  a far-fetched dream. But even one of my business professors yelled out to me on the last day of class, “Don’t forget me when you have your own home TV show!”


Choose a song for the story of your life: This is a tough one. I’m one of those guys that listen to anything and everything. Spotify is my jam. If I had to name a couple, these are at the top on my current playlist: Congratulations- Post Malone, Don’t Let It Get You Down- Johnnyswim, Rock and Roll- Castro, Bad at Love- Halsey. I know… I’m all over the place.


What is one thing you would tell your younger self right now? “Keep your head up, set goals, be yourself, go for it, push the limits, do what everyone says is impossible. You’re going to go through some low times, but the end is so much greater than you can imagine.”


How would you describe your home décor style? Oh man, farmhouse, modern farmhouse, minimal, sort of modern-rustic? I live in a small, 623 sq.ft. Studio apartment and everything I have I either built myself or bought at estate sales. I love contrast and clean lines, but still warm and inviting- not too modern but not too farmhouse.


Any big plans for the future? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?  Big plans, big plans…. Of course I have big plans. 10 years from now I see myself renovating homes and putting my eye for design to work, most likely owning my own business, and…. having a TV show. I mean why not dream big, right?  


Tell us your favorite quote and why: “The truth is that most people never start because they don’t want to be seen starting at the bottom. Don’t be most people.”

This is my current favorite quote because I know I’m going to have to work to achieve my goals. I’m going to wake up one morning and have everything handed to me- even though that would be nice. I know I’m going to have to start at the bottom and work my way to the top. Not only will I know I worked to get there, but I’ll know that I earned every bit of it. Ask, believe, receive.


What is one thing still left on your bucket list? Most people would say they would want to “travel the world” or “vacation to some far away place,” but one thing that is yet to be marked off on my bucket list is to go skydiving.


 How old were you when you first came out and what was your experience like? I came out when I was 20, so just about a year ago. It was rough to say the least, but it has let me realize who I truly am and whom I don’t want in my life. Overall, coming out has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have made so many new friends, experienced the world from a different view, and have a new lease on life. 

Have you faced any backlash or hardships since coming out? Yes and no. There are obviously going to be people that won’t accept you, but the group of people who do accept you and love you for who you are is SO much greater. It’s going to be hard for a while, and I knew that, but once you’re past that point the world is a new place.


PJ, From Last Night

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