New Segment Alert: FEATURE FRIDAY!

Let's get right on down to the nitty gritty- we are starting something new to highlight our followers and we are calling it FEATURE FRIDAY!!! (picture us yelling that into a microphone in a giant stadium and the crowd going wild.....or something like that). We are so excited to get this thing going because we think it will be great way to connect with you guys but also for you guys to connect with each other.

But wait, what is it? Sorry, we got a little too excited/ahead of ourselves. 

So, every Friday we will be featuring one of y'all, or, two of y'all if you're in a relationship. We will send you a list of 10 questions that you fill out and send back, along with 10 pictures, and then we will publish them here on the blog. That's it! Easy enough, right?

To submit to be featured, go to our Contact Us page and enter your name and email address. In the Subject line, simply put Feature Friday! In the Message field, just write your Instagram handle and why you want to be featured. Then press submit! If you receive an email from us, just fill out the questions, attach 10 photos, and send back via email. 

We are looking forward to learning more about YOU and can't wait to see what y'all send in. We love hearing y'all's stories, backgrounds, and what makes you you

Taking submissions in 3.....2.....1....