Hey you

Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

The Weekend We Did Nothing and It Was Absolutely Everything


This past weekend we had no plans. Zero. ZILCH. It’s the first time in what seems like forever that we didn’t have to be somewhere or work on a project. Our schedule was wide open and we honestly didn’t know what to do with ourselves.


Friday evening we went out to the land to see if they had mowed it yet and sadly, they haven’t. The grass is still 5 ft tall, so we went by the river bank where the grass isn’t so overgrown. And that’s when PJ got the idea to strip down to his undies and jump in the FREEZING cold water. It was hot out but not jump in freezing cold water hot. 

He floated down a couple hundred feet and got out shivering, but it was kind of exhilarating. If you know PJ, he’s not exactly spontaneous, so the fact that out of nowhere he decided to just jump in, to go for it, was out of character and extremely fun to watch. Plus, how cute is he?!?


Saturday and Sunday we did a takeover of Gayswithstories Instagram account which was a lot of fun. We spent Saturday adding some blinds to our bedroom (we’ll make a post to show you how it turned out. Spoiler: we love them!!) and doing little stuff around the house. Again, no plans, just winging it and enjoying the down time. 

Sunday we went to PJ’s aunt’s pool and swam with his family. It was SO HOT outside and her pool always hits the spot. That night we came home and made dinner with Thomas’ mom. We are on our healthy kick so we made zoodles again and suddenly we’re hooked. Thomas’ mom gave us her zoodler that she never uses so we’re thinking this is going to be a weekly dish. 


So yeah, that was our weekend!! It felt good to not have anythjng to do for a few days and just do what we wanted. We’re thinking it was probably fate and for the best because the next couple of weeks we have something every single weekend, so we’re gonna be busy for a while. In fact, things have already been pretty crazy this week!! We’re planning a (VERY) last minute trip to celebrate a certain someone’s birthday that’s coming up in a few days, so wish us luck!!!

We’ll do our best to update when we can! Hope you had a good weekend, too. :)


Feature Friday with Nate Smith

Feeling Thankful