Hey you

Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Day 15: TGIF Again


Here we are, halfway into our 30 day challenge! Are you keeping track of the most beautiful part of your day, too?

It's tax free weekend here in Tennessee so while we were in Chattanooga showing houses, we hopped on over to Best Buy and bought a new computer! And not just any new computer. A desktop. Do you remember those? We haven't had a desktop since we were kids! We've just relied on our laptops for the last 10+ years so the thought of actually having a home base to go to and work each day is exciting to us. We went with the iMac. Do you have one?

In related news, we came home from Chattanooga to find a little note on our door that informed us we'd missed our package delivery- don't you hate when that happens?!? So we went to UPS a couple hours later and picked up.......our new camera!  What's crazy is this camera has been sold out EVERYWHERE. For weeks. But PJ found this website that suddenly got a big shipment of them in on Wednesday so we jumped on it and they told us it would be shipped in a minimum of 4 weeks, which like, cool, that's fine, we can wait a little longer. Then, we got an email saying it would be here Friday (!!!) and suddenly our week was made.

This has been a long time coming because we've mainly be using our iPhones to record vlogs and take pictures with. The cameras are obviously great, but we've been looking for something a little more professional for a while, and thanks to our friends Justin & Nick, we were pointed in the right direction for an affordable, good camera. 

We spent the night tinkering with it and figuring it out, drinking wine and listening to Bossa Nova, which you know is our favorite way to spend a Friday night around here. Chill. Relaxed. At home with our fur babies. 

Saturday we're going out on the boat with family and it's one of the only times we've done that this summer, which is crazy because it seemed like we were on the river all summer last year.

Hope you had a lovely Friday, wherever you are. xx


Day 16: River Saturday

Day 14: Dinner at Lauren’s