What to Actually Get Your Adult Child for Their Birthday

For my 31st birthday, my mom surprised me with an assortment of fun gifts…

I’ve come to realize as the years pass and I get older, my birthdays are starting to mean less and less. I don’t care to celebrate myself like I used to and I especially don’t care about gifts. PJ and I made a rule a few years back to start giving each other “experiences” instead of gifts, i.e. let’s just go on a trip that will be fun for everyone instead of a one-off present. It’s worked out well so far.

My mom, on the other hand, loves getting people gifts and will most likely always give her adult children something to open on their birthdays. Which brings us to the other morning when I went over to my mom’s house because she told me she had some presents for me!

I didn’t ask for anything, but somehow she knew exactly what to get me.

She basically raided the entire grocery aisle at Home Goods, which just so happens to be my favorite aisle. I tell PJ all the time how I could spend hours in that aisle looking at all the things that I certainly don’t need but want nonetheless. But the funny thing is I’ve never relayed that sentiment to her. Crazy how moms just know sometimes, isn’t it?

So if you’re looking for something to get your adult child, but aren’t sure what they want and don’t want to ask them at the risk of ruining the surprise, may I suggest the following:

So there you have it! A bunch of random gifts that somehow add up to just about the best thing I could have ever (not) asked for.