The Creek at Getaway House

We’re making more and more progress at Getaway House!

While the inside is thisclose to being finished (maybe just a few more weeks, can’t wait to show you), we’ve also turned our attention to the outside, specifically the creek at the bottom of the property. PJ cleared a bunch of trees the last few weeks to give us a better view of the water, which is more so for safety purposes than necessarily aesthetics.

We’ve started a few burn piles to get rid of all the trees and branches. This place will be cleaned up before you know it and will look better than ever.

This is what it looked like last week after PJ cleared everything out. Even though it doesn’t look like it in photos, there’s already been major progress since then just by dragging the cut down branches from the creek to the burn piles.

Sure, it does look a lot better with less overgrown brush, and everything looks a little more like someone lives there as opposed to what it’s looked like for the last few years: scary and abandon, but the biggest reason for the clearing of trees and shrubs is to allow us to see the creek in its entirety. This way, we can see when the kids are playing and know that everyone is okay (not that we will ever let them play in the creek by themselves alone without us being there, but it still allows for a clearer view).

And speaking of the kids playing, yesterday we all rode out there to check on the house and see the progress of the inside. While we were there, the kids swam and played in the creek, splashing and laughing and falling all over the place. I love that we finally have a property with water to cool off in the unbearable summer heat.

Though we do have our river land that we’ve had going on five years now, the water is too tall and the current is too strong for the kids to enjoy right now. The creek is a much safer option for them. We also have the pond on our farm that we had built over the last year, but it’s not holding water right now. Will it ever? We’re waiting to find out.

After a rather stressful night back at home once we got finished playing in the creek (involving two of our kids and their slightly rough play with one of our chickens- they’re still learning what is okay animal behavior and what’s not), I am choosing to focus on the good times spent at Getaway House. It was a beautiful afternoon, and I could listen to our kids laughing forever. They had so much fun.

And we did, too.