Hey you

Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

From Worst to Even Worst-er

It doesn’t matter that it’s not a real word!! Things just got even more intense here at the McKay house. PJ has what I had for the last week and my heart breaks for him. It’s almost ironic in a way, or a saving grace, however you choose to look at it. The very day that I feel 99% better is the same day he gets sick.

I woke up this morning feeling good. Great, even! After a week of feeling like I was going to die from the worst stomach bug I have ever had, I finally felt like myself again. I didn’t feel as nauseas and I had so much more energy than I had in so long. I took the kids to the friggin park!! Do you know how good it felt to walk on down to the park? The things we take for granted every day y’all. Each day that you can get up and breathe air and feel even a little bit good is a good day and the rest is downhill after that.

PJ, on the other hand, didn’t feel too hot. He woke up with a splitting migraine, so he took some medicine, wrapped a sheet around his eyes to block out all sunlight and took a few naps to try and get it to go away. None of it helped. His head was still throbbing by the middle of the day, only he now had other symptoms, too.

He felt achy, he had chills, and worst of all, he felt like he was going to throw up. Sure enough, by the evening, he was wrapped up in bed, throwing up, and running a fever. If I didn’t know any better I would say it might be a form of covid. My sister and her girlfriend both tested positive the other day and, though they’re handling it for the first time, I know how painful and awful it is, even if you are vaccinated. This thing that we both have/had is very comparable to the feeling of having covid.

So now we have another McKay sick and bedridden for the foreseeable future. I am so thankful I am feeling better to take care of the PJ and the kids. Can you imagine if we were both sick at the same time? What a shit show that would be. It’s time to get serious, though. There’s work to be done and a house to clean and children to parent and a sick husband to take care of.

Let’s do this.

PS: On the plus side, Matt stopped by today with homemade blackberry biscuits (how sweet is that?) and oh my goodness I’m so glad I feel well enough to eat them.

Fresh Apples From Getaway House for Ocoee Farm

The Worst Stomach Bug of My Life