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Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

My Little Sister is Married!

My Little Sister is Married!

Yesterday, my sister said “I do” to the love of her life in an intimate ceremony at the courthouse. I can’t believe it!

Sydney and Elana have been together for two and a half years, though it’s felt like soooo much longer. I am overjoyed for them as they take this next step in their relationship, and I can’t wait for the wedding next year. They decided to get married, just the two of them, in a legal ceremony yesterday and then plan to do an official, big wedding when the timing is right in 2024.

We all met after they wed at the cutest little restaurant in North Shore Chattanooga called The Daily Ration for brunch and it was so lovely to all sit around the table, eat yummy food, and just celebrate love. The only thing missing? My older sister Amy, who lives in Georgia. If we would have all been there, it would have been just about perfect.

PJ and I split eggs and bacon and biscuits and a plate of pancakes. I was full for the rest of the afternoon.

Now there are no siblings left to be wed! Amy got married first in 2005, then me in 2015, after that my brother in 2021, and now my younger sister. It’s hard to believe we’re all getting older and to the age where we’re all settled down. And you know what? I love it. What I really want to do is all eight of us to take a trip somewhere exciting, like NYC or New England. No kids, just us “grown up” kids. How fun would that be?

Congratulations, Sydney and Elana!!!! We love you so much!

Our 2023 Holiday Gift Guide is Here!

Our 2023 Holiday Gift Guide is Here!

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Decorating the Christmas Tree