Spring Cleaning

Like we do every year around this time, or try to at least, we did a little spring cleaning on the front porch this past weekend. It’s incredible (and gross) how much dirt and grime accumulates, and you don’t even really see it until you’re up close and personal in its face.

Our porch could use not only a good cleaning, but a repainting as well. It’s hard to believe we’ve already been here six years, and that was the last time it was painted. We’ve also toyed around with the idea of painting the front door AND the top of our house a different color. We’ll see.

With spring temperatures still feeling like a million years away (it was 26 degrees when we woke up this morning), spring allergies are in full affect here at the McKay house. I love this time of year, but absolutely despise the pollen we get in our area. It’s some of the worst in the country!

Nevertheless, it does feel so good to clean the house, both inside and outside, and once I get all the work finished that’s due this week (including wrapping up the big post about our California trip!), I intend to start cleaning and organizing every closet, corner and cranny of this old house.

I can’t wait.
