Everything We Wore on Our Trip to Europe
/Every time we post a photo of our time in Europe, we receive a lot of messages asking where this shirt is from or where we got those pants, so I thought it would be easier to link everything we wore overseas in one post.
Here you go!
Thomas’ shirt | Thomas’ pants | Thomas’ sandals
PJ’s shirt | PJ’s shorts | PJ’s shoes
Thomas’ shirt | Thomas’ pants | Thomas’ sandals
PJ’s shirt | PJ’s shorts | PJ’s sandals
Thomas’ shirt | Thomas’ shorts | Thomas’ sandals
PJ’s shirt (sold our, similar) | PJ’s shorts | PJ’s sandals
Thomas’ tank top | Thomas’ shirt | Thomas pants | Thomas’ sandals
PJ’s shirt | PJ’s shorts | PJ’s shoes
PJ’s shirt | PJ’s trunks
Thomas’ shirt | Thomas’ trunks
Thomas’ shirt | Thomas’ pants | Thomas’ shoes
PJ’s shirt (similar) | PJ’s pants | PJ’s shoes (similar)
Thomas’ shirt | Thomas’ pants | Thomas’ shoes
PJ’s shirt (sold out, similar) | PJ’s pants | PJ’s shoes (similar)