Have a Wonderful Friday Night
Dear reader,
How was your week? What are you up to this weekend? Tonight we’re going to a business dinner and I’m excited to discuss potential future, exciting plans (and to have a glass of wine at a restaurant, which always feels fancy to me).
In other news, we’ve officially made it through our second week of school! Have I mentioned lately how much I love the start of school? It feels like a fresh start, a new beginning every August when it starts back up after the summer break. I love everything about it: Getting back on a routine, school shopping, new teachers, new friends, cooler weather. I might feel differently when the kids get older and are doing more sports and activities than they’re doing now, but in this stage of life it’s pure bliss.
Also, I am tearing through Read, White & Royal Blue since ordering it after seeing the movie last weekend. The book is, so far, so much more descriptive and goes into more detail than the movie did (as every book does). There are also more characters that the film left out! I’ll let you know what I think when I finish it, but it’s so fun having seen the movie and picturing the actors as these characters instead of having to imagine what they look like.
Have a wonderful weekend, friends!! xoxo