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Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

The Hatch Restore 2 Has Transformed Our Nightly Sleep Routine

The Hatch Restore 2 Has Transformed Our Nightly Sleep Routine

Keep: This isn’t sponsored, but I wanted to share the coolest (and cutest) little smart alarm clock we’ve been using the last few weeks. Have you ever heart of Hatch Restore? It sits beside our bed and acts as a clock, and when we’re ready to go to sleep, I press the “rest” button to start our nighttime routine, usually a 5 minute meditation or affirmation, and then the nightlight gently fades to black, mimicking the darkness of your eyes slowly closing. It’s so cool.

After that, the brown noise turns on, but you can choose whichever kind of background noise you want, like white noise, pink noise, and other sleep sounds inspired by nature and backed by science.

When you’re ready to wake up, you press the “rise” button and it will play soft sounds of your choosing, and the best part is, when it comes to the Hatch 2, there are TONS of customizable settings. You can really create your own personal routine for any time of the day.

I named our Hatch “Ollie” and it’s been so fun settling in to this new little routine of ours.

You can get the Hatch 2 Restore from their website, or on Amazon (same price).

Delete: Like most days, I seem to have ran out of hours in the day to accomplish everything I needed to today. There’s always tomorrow.

PS: New issue of Okay McKay is out now!

A Night Out With Friends

A Night Out With Friends

The Perfect Striped Shirt

The Perfect Striped Shirt