After a night of little sleep (which I’m blaming on our dog for waking me up three times because she wouldn’t stop barking) I’m in a just-go-for-it-who-cares kind of mood today.
That being said, you might notice the blog looks a little different when you come to it today. Or maybe it looks just like you remember it?
After almost seven months of trying to make the new layout work, I am going back to our old layout for the time being. While I loved it, I could never get the sizing right on the other one, and kept getting email notifications from Google letting me know there were errors found on the site that I just couldn’t fix. It was starting to annoy me that I couldn’t figure out how to correct them, no matter how much I researched.
SO, here we are. Back to the layout I first started the blog with almost five years ago, only with a few fresh, modern, minor updates (a sans serif font!). And you know what? It weirdly feels good. It feels comfortable and it feels like home.
And it always feels good to be home.