How Many Clothes Does One Little Girl Need?

I am coming to you live from the scene of the crime.

And by scene of the crime, I mean our living room is basically a crime scene at this point. What was once a peaceful, (finally) clean room just last week is now overtaken by 4t and 5t clothes for one Miss Anna McKay.

Mounds of clothes frame out the chair and couch where I am going through all of them and seeing which ones we want to keep and which ones we want to donate. They were all generously given to us by PJ’s cousin Lauren (thank you Lauren, we love you!!!). She has two girls, though, and so we were given double the clothes all at once, which means right now we have to decide which we be a good fit for Anna and which ones we want to give away. She can’t keep all of these! We only have so much space!

This year we have really committed to getting rid of a ton of stuff that we just don’t use and/or need anymore. PJ’s been great about it and I am on board, too, it’s just been hard to find the time to actually do it. And our house desperately needs it, considering it looks like this half the time:

But yesterday was one of those perfect days where no deadlines had to be hit and it was kind of cloudy outside, and I randomly got a burst of motivation and energy to tackle the overwhelmingness that is her clothes.

So I busted out the five or six totes that had all the girls’ clothes in it and started going through them. And you know what? It feels SO GOOD to cross this off the list!! It’s something we’ve been meaning to do for so long and will go such a long way in the never-ending battle to organize our house.

I’m going back in now. Wish me luck!!