Hey you

Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

The Pups' First Time at the Farm

Oh to be young again!

This past weekend, we took our two new pupperonis, Oliver (the darker one) and Adaline to see Ocoee Farm for the first time. They’re almost two months old, so we thought it was about time they saw their future home and meet their future best friends, aka all the animals on the farm.

It was like a breath of fresh air to see them run and roam all over the land just as fast as their little legs would take them. What is it about babies and puppies and kittens that gives us all the warmest and fuzziest feelings? I could have watched them explore all day out there.

By the time they made it to the top of the hill, they were understandably worn out. They took shelter wherever they could: under the dumpster, under the Tiny House deck, under the tractor and the Land Cruiser. I almost forgot how much fun it is to see life through the eyes of little babies.

If you look close, squint, and zoom in, you might be able to see a little puppy hiding underneath those stairs ;).

Speaking of, we’ve received a lot of questions about where our other two pups went who lived at Ocoee Farm. If you remember, we got two little Great Pyrenees at the beginning of this year with hopes that they would be good watch dogs at the farm and scare off predators who were harming our animals. Sadly, after months of trying to make it work, we sent them to live with a family on a farm right down the road from us. It was our fault, as we just weren’t out there enough to spend time with them and train them, and they needed more attention than we could give them. It was a hard decision but I know they’re happier there and getting the love they deserve.

As for Oliver and Adaline, we’re keeping them at our house in town for the time being, since they’re our dog Ellie’s puppies. They spend their days in our back yard with their mom, Ellie, and her mom, Aspen. All four of them are so cute together and incredibly sweet to each other, always showing the other one with licks and cuddles and sharing food with the little ones. It’s all so very fascinating to witness and experience; how dogs take care of and show affection to the ones they love.

We Painted the Tiny House Black

We Painted the Tiny House Black

Two Exciting Things Happening This Month