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Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

We Painted the Tiny House Black

We Painted the Tiny House Black

And just like that…it looks so much better.

When we bought the tiny house at the end of summer last year, we knew right away we wanted to paint it. The door was this horrible shade of royal blue and the bright white just didn’t sit well with us for some reason. At the time, we weren’t sure what color we wanted to paint it though. Do we paint it all a creamy shade of white? Do we leave the wood and just paint the siding a dark, moody color? The possibilities were endless.

It wasn’t necessarily ugly before, it was actually quite cute, just not the look we knew we wanted for the farm.

Here are a few before photos for reference:

One thing that made our decision making so much easier was after the crew pressure washed the wood to clean it, it left it looking worse in some places because of how hard the pressure was. If we were to leave it as is, without some sort of coating protection on it, it wouldn’t have held up.

So we decided to stain the wood a rich color and pair it with our favorite moody color as of late: Nocturnal Green by Sherwin Williams. Here’s how that turned out:

Needless to say, we immediately knew we didn’t like it, even before the second coat was on. Nothing like a little trial and error! I actually love that about design and feel like it’s what designing something is all about. You never know you don’t like something until you try it, and when you find out it doesn’t work, you just start all over. Is it a pain? Sometimes yes, but its all part of the process.

Once we knew we didn’t like the look of the tiny house after the first painting and stain trial, PJ told the painters to just paint the entire thing black. All of it! The wood, the siding, and even the windows. And what color black did we choose you ask? Only our favorite ever: Tricorn Black in a flat finish. You may remember when we painted Getaway House the same color and fell in love. We’re totally on board with the all-black monochromatic look now.

You can see below on the left side of the Tiny House the first coat of Tricorn Black is going up to cover the green paint and dark stain.

But just like Getaway House, we painted the front door the same green, which, I still don’t know the color of, as PJ chose it on a whim at the store.

We both absolutely love how it turned out and it is exactly how we always envisioned it. The black completely changes not just the look of the Tiny House but also the feel of it. Before it felt farmhouse chic, which we weren’t going for. Now it feels sleek and sophisticated. And just like Getaway House, I love how the black pops against the surrounding greenery of the farm. It feels like it was always meant to be this color.

We still need to landscape the entire house and I need to take some better photos. I just snapped the first one as we were leaving one day, hence Dixie’s car parked in the driveway, but you get the idea.

We love it so much and question why we waited so long to paint it in the first place.

The Kindness of a Stranger on the Plane

The Kindness of a Stranger on the Plane

The Pups' First Time at the Farm