Hey you

Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

An Inclusive Mother's Day School Project

An Inclusive Mother's Day School Project

Every year during the week of Mother’s Day, I always find myself curious to see what the kids will come home with, and every year I am continually impressed by their teachers’ inclusiveness.

Our kids’ beloved 1st grade teacher, who had our oldest and now has our middle, always goes above and beyond with making sure our children don’t feel left out as the rest of the class makes Mother’s Day cards. It gives me so much hope for the future if this is the kind of example teachers are setting for their classroom.

This year she printed out entirely separate sheets with the words “dads” and “his” instead of “mom” and “her” and my heart completely burst when Riah pulled it out of his backpack.

I feel so grateful for our loving, accepting community at their school and how they make sure our family feels included and our kids never feel singled out for anything. My hope is for more (all!) school systems to be this inclusive. I swear it’s just better for everyone involved.

My only delete for the day would be I didn’t finish the newsletter in time to go out today since I was out of commission for the last four days due to my stomach bug. I usually work on it all weekend and tweak it before it goes out every Tuesday, but seeing as I was bed-ridden this weekend, it just didn’t happen. Look for it in your inbox tomorrow!

Getting Back to Normal

Getting Back to Normal

Anna's Kindergarten Graduation

Anna's Kindergarten Graduation