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Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

The One Thing We Can’t Live Without at the Beach

The One Thing We Can’t Live Without at the Beach

For the last two years, the biggest thing we bring to the beach every single time we go is…

The Shibumi Shade. Have you ever seen one? We saw them for years on the beach when we would come down to Florida and we always wondered what they were. Seriously, you couldn’t look more than five feet down the beach without seeing one of these blue and teal shades blowing in the wind. They’re so cool! We had to know what they were.

Then, when we finally got one two years ago, we realized what all the hype was about. They’re SO easy and convenient, and everything fits into one small little bag that you can take anywhere. They’re held up by the wind, so all you need is the rod it comes with that you stick into the sand, the shade itself, and the bag that is attached to the shade that you fill with sand for weight.

It fits everything we have underneath it and keeps us cool and shaded all day. You can see in the photo above how many people on the beach have one besides us, and that’s because once you have one, you can’t live without it. They’re truly a game changer and we will never go to the beach without one.

The description on their website pretty much sums it up:

The Shibumi Shade goes with the flow. It’s wind powered and crafted to float effortlessly on the ocean breeze. Because it works with the wind, it won’t break or blow away. How cool is that? Easy to carry, and a breeze to set up & take down, the Shibumi Shade makes beach days better.”

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Bonus: It’s on sale right now!

Handy by the Beach

Handy by the Beach

PJ’s 38th Birthday

PJ’s 38th Birthday