Hey you

Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Handy by the Beach

Handy by the Beach

My Keep for the day, and let’s be honest, every day, is having the handiest husband in the world. While we got lots of beach time in today, we also got a lot accomplished at our beach shack, too. PJ did little things here and there to make it more comfortable for us, things we’ve been meaning to do for over a year now.

Up first, he hung towel hooks in the bathrooms so we can finally stop putting our towels on the edge of the bed or on doorknobs. He put two in our bathroom and five in the kids’, assuring that we have plenty of places to hang out wet towels and bathing suits.

Next, he caulked our entire bedroom ceiling. This is the room we painted ourselves, whereas the rest of the house we hired a professional to do it. The creases and gaps in the wooden boards are definitely a vibe, especially for a beach house, but they also let in a lot of air from the hot attic and overall just need to be caulked and repainted like the rest of the house is. Below you can see what a difference caulk makes: the left side is caulked and the right side isn't.

It’s like night and day!

Lastly, and it’s currently happening as I type this, PJ is replacing the lights in both bedrooms with ceiling fans for better air circulation and to help keep us cool during the night. We currently have a floor fan in the corner that came with the house and we’re been looking for a replacement ever since we got here. I think these will work perfectly. UPDATE: he also just hung a mirror in our bathroom 😂. The man can’t be stopped!

I am so endlessly thankful for a husband who knows how to do these things and actually enjoys doing them, a trait that I don’t seem to possess.

My only Delete for the day is that I left two of the bathroom waste baskets in the Target checkout line. I know, I know. We went at the end of a long day and the cashier didn’t ring them up, so we didn’t pay for them, but we’ll be going back tomorrow to get them because those were definitely on the list of How to Make the Beach House Easier for Us to Live In.

Losing Track of the Days

Losing Track of the Days

The One Thing We Can’t Live Without at the Beach

The One Thing We Can’t Live Without at the Beach