Hey you

Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

The Farm Table

The Farm Table

Keep: It feels like there are so many milestones happening at Holiday House this week, and that’s because getting to this point has been four years in the making, so saying we’re excited is an understatement. Today we took some rugs out to the cottage, which was nice to finally get them out of underneath the upstair guest bed, but the most exciting thing is we brought out 9 ft table over, too! When we originally found this table back in 2016, it was 12 ft long, so we had it cut down to 9 ft to fit in our dining room where it was our dining table for three years.

Then, in 2020 when I moved our whole house around and made our dining room the living room, we moved the dining table into our office where it’s been used as a desk ever since. And we loved it, we really did, but since Holiday House will be used to host large amounts of people on holidays and long weekends, we knew we needed a big table that could fit everyone. We’ve measured and measured and measured the last two years, anticipating what it would look like when the table was in place, and today we got to see it with our four eyes! It fits perfectly and turned out exactly how we envisioned it. Now we just need to get enough chairs to fit around it, since the black Windsor ones are just leftovers from our set we have at our townhouse.

I was afraid that with all the furniture in place the house would feel smaller, but it somehow feels bigger. There’s still plenty of room to maneuver through the open floor plan, which I’m thrilled about since, again, this cottage will house a bunch of people at any given time (think Thanksgiving, birthday parties, etc.).

Here are a few more photos from the day, if you want to see:

Including this cutie, who kept us company while we moved furniture around:

Delete: Since we moved couches and a table out, our townhouse is a complete disaster. We’ll probably be spending the next week cleaning up the mess we made this weekend.

A New View for the Office

A New View for the Office

Rafting Down the Ocoee River

Rafting Down the Ocoee River