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Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

The Storm That Caused the Tree to Fall

The Storm That Caused the Tree to Fall

Keep: And finally, altering being gone for 17 days at our little beach shack, we’re home, and all is right in the world again. Only, it isn’t really. While we were gone, actually the night before we came home, a horrible storm passed through our town and the winds were so ferocious, it caused trees all over town to fall over, including the tree between our house and our neighbor’s. It’s been there for probably over 40 years and it was huge. We knew eventually it would need to be cut down, and we actually had some overhanging branches trimmed a few years ago for safety. But the storm caused it to split directly in two and it landed on her house, causing some damage. We felt terrible for her, but luckily she is okay and was not home when it happened, so that is my keep for tonight.

Delete: While the tree didn’t land on our house and did virtually no damage to our property, the same can’t be said for the crew who cut the rest of the tree down. Somehow in the process of taking the tree apart and chopping it up, our carport column got damaged big time.

See how the second column isn’t flush with the one closest to the camera? It shouldn’t be leaning out like that, but that’s how crooked and damaged it is now.

It’s 100 years old, like our house, and we’re both pretty sick over it. I’m not sure how it’s going to be fixed and still look like it did before. I was telling PJ that every time we go on our July beach trip to our little shack, something bad happens. Last year, it was PJ’s thumb accident, and this year it’s the tree. If something goes wrong next year, it’s official: We’re cursed.

A Night Out

A Night Out

The Kindness of Strangers

The Kindness of Strangers