Hey you

Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Moving Day (Kind Of)

Moving Day (Kind Of)

Keep: The day we’ve been waiting for all week (and of course, for the last four years) is finally here! Today we started moving in some of the furniture to Holiday House, starting with a new jute rug and two matching couches. By doing so, we also moved around some of the furniture in our townhouse, since one of these couches is from our living room at home. We brought the couch that was in our office into our living room, and plan to bring a couch from upstairs to put in the office and make it a sitting room, since our office desk will also be going to Holiday House and be used as our dining table.

It felt surreal to see the couches in the living room. We’ve been waiting for this moment for years and to set each couch into place and see it all start to come together the way we’ve envisioned it forever, it’s just a really, really good feeling.

So the plan next is to move the table in, and then the kids’ mattresses should be coming in next week, and we still need to get a bed for our room. And then of course we’ll slowly start filling the house with finishing layers like art, pillows, blankets, rugs, lamps, etc. I can’t wait!

Delete: While on the way to the farm today, we had the couch and the cushions in the back of PJ’s truck and out of nowhere, it started pouring. As if that wasn’t bad enough, halfway to the farm one of the cushions FLEW OUT OF THE BACK OF THE TRUCK ON THE HIGHWAY. I immediately pulled over and PJ got out to run down the road to get them, being careful to avoid getting hit by the cars speeding past. It was a horrible 45 minutes but luckily we got everything there safe and sound.

Rafting Down the Ocoee River

Rafting Down the Ocoee River

The Three Biggest Little Helpers

The Three Biggest Little Helpers