Hey you

Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Three Years

Three Years

Keep: Three years ago today, in our living room surrounded by family and friends, we officially adopted our children after fostering them for two years. And tonight, we’re spending our first weekend in Holiday House, the small cottage on our farm that we’ve been renovating for the past four years. Reflecting on the last three years of officially being a family of five, and the last four years of finishing up this house, they’re both reminders that the best things in life take time, patience, and a whole lotta love. Much like the journey to parenthood, this house has been a long time coming, and it feels so good to finally be in it. We’re feeling grateful tonight for our babies who make this house feel like the home we always knew it could be.

It’s also our second day staying at Holiday House! We woke up with the sun this morning pouring through all of the windows.

We made eggs from the chickens on the farm:

The boys woke up early this morning and immediately went outside to play and we didn’t see them again for two hours. We can’t do that at our house in town, but here there is so much room to roam that it works out perfectly.

My mom stopped by and spent a few hours this afternoon playing games she brought with the kids, and eating the Italian cheese bread she gave us as a welcoming present. Our farm isn’t exactly close to town, so it meant a lot that she drove all the way here to see us.

A few more photos from today:

Delete: I hope we get a respite from this heat soon, because it’s almost unbearable to be outside right now. I sadly don’t think we’ll be getting a break anytime soon, though.

Pool Day

Pool Day

Our First Night Staying at Holiday House

Our First Night Staying at Holiday House