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Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

PJ's 20 Year Reunion

PJ's 20 Year Reunion

Keep: Last night, at the last minute and after agreeing we weren’t going to go, we showed and got dressed and got ourselves ready to head out the door to go to PJ’s 20 year high school reunion (!). We went to his 10 year a decade ago and had a blast, but for some reason we weren’t looking forward to going to this one. Still, our friends Julia and Krystal agreed to go if we went, so they came over to our house beforehand, had a glass of wine and did last minute prep, and we all drove to the venue.

It ended up being cute and fun! There wasn’t as big of a turnout as the last one, and there was no dancing and no superlatives this time either (which were a highlight last time), but it was still enjoyable nonetheless. The food was great, especially the desserts, and we each got two free drink tickets (score).

I think the biggest thing about reunions, at least for us, is that we still live in the town we all went to high school in, so even though we don’t see these people every day, we still may see them around town from time to time, making it less special to see them at a reunion. That, and also social media. We’re constantly updated with what our former classmates are doing, so we kind of know everything that’s going on in their lives, which, again, makes it not as noteworthy to see them. Still, it was so nice to see Krystal, PJ’s high school girlfriend turned good friend. We hadn’t seen her since 2016, which feels crazy to type!

I will say, though, that my favorite part of the evening was watching PJ surrounded by people who knew him long before I did. These are the people he grew up with, and I can only imagine what he was like as a 17 year old. He looked so cute last night, and I felt myself swell with pride knowing I scored the biggest catch of the class of 2004. I could have watched him all night. I told him as much when we got in bed last night and I held him close, feeling so grateful for this man and the fact I get to write the same last name as him on my little sticker name tag they made us wear.

Overall we’re glad we went and are looking forward to the 30 year reunion!

Delete: I thought I got all of our school supply shopping completed, but as it turns out, there were two items I somehow left off the list. We have two days until school starts, so I’m cutting it very close. I have to brave the crowds of last minute shoppers (like myself) today to finish up. Wish me luck.

Everyone in One Place

Everyone in One Place

A Night Out

A Night Out